Piece written by F1 ACADEMY DISCOVER YOUR DRIVE Career Discovery Programme student Zomer Keur in Zandvoort.

My name is Zomer Keur, I’m 22 years old, and I’m currently studying Creative Business. Growing up in Zandvoort, known for its beautiful beaches and the iconic circuit, I’ve always had a natural connection to motorsport. I spent my childhood attending DTM races, never realizing that one day, I would have the chance to explore the motorsport world from the inside.

This summer, I participated in the F1 ACADEMY DISCOVER YOUR DRIVE Career Discovery Programme, focusing on journalism and editorial. It was an incredible chance to experience a different side of the track—a world filled with opportunities for women to carve out their place in motorsport.

Wednesday: A step into the world of motorsport

The day began with a buzz of excitement as I arrived at Gate 2. Spotting other participants was easy given our matching outfits. Pilar Harris, the F1 ACADEMY DISCOVER YOUR DRIVE Lead, greeted us and led us to the series’ paddock, where we had a brief tour and an introduction.

The day's highlight was a detailed tour of the Formula 1 paddock with Christian Pollhammer, who handles logistics. The walk through the pitlane was fascinating, especially learning about the teams’ radios and the tight space of the pitlane.

We also attended an inspiring event showcasing the next generation of female leaders in motorsport. The careers event featured expert panelists from various roles within the F1, F1 ACADEMY and other junior series’ paddocks, sharing their experiences and insights. This was a valuable opportunity to gain perspectives from accomplished women in the field.

A small track walk followed, which was a great opportunity to see the circuit from a new angle —the day ended with some reflections on the busy but rewarding schedule.

The track walks gave Keur a valuable opportunity to see what challenges the drivers would be faced with around Zandvoort
The track walks gave Keur a valuable opportunity to see what challenges the drivers would be faced with around Zandvoort

Thursday: Track walks, technical tours, and my first interview

The day started early in the F1 ACADEMY paddock. I had the unique opportunity to walk around the whole track with Content Editor Hannah Prydderch, a skilled writer and interviewer for the F1 ACADEMY website. Her expertise and insight into the world of motorsport journalism were incredibly inspiring.

As we strolled through the paddock, Hannah shared her experiences and offered valuable tips on how to approach interviews and storytelling in this high-octane environment. Exploring the technical side of the F1 paddock was an eye-opening experience. Seeing the track up close was thrilling, and the excitement of being so close to the action was palpable, filling me with awe and exhilaration.

READ MORE: 'I want to perform for myself' – Schreiner eyeing strong Zandvoort outing as she returns to scene of breakthrough win

The rest of the day was dedicated to preparing for and conducting interviews. My first professional interview was with Kick Sauber driver Carrie Schreiner, and it was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating. This hands-on experience taught me invaluable lessons about the art of interviewing, from crafting insightful questions to building rapport with interviewees. Observing how Carrie articulated her responses and engaged with the questions deepened my understanding of effective communication in a high-pressure setting.

Shadowing other interviews with Hannah provided a rare glimpse into the intricate process of media coverage in motorsport. I learned the importance of adaptability and how to handle unexpected turns during interviews. Later, I joined the Event Technical Centre tour with Richard Matthews, the Head of Technical Centres Infrastructure, which provided fascinating insights into the technical setup behind the scenes. Witnessing the meticulous planning and technology involved was both educational and inspiring.

Overall, the day was a deep dive into the world of motorsport, filled with learning and personal growth.

This journey has been both enlightening and inspiring deepening my appreciation for motorsport
'This journey has been both enlightening and inspiring, deepening my appreciation for motorsport'

Friday: A day of action, interaction and celebration

Today was filled with excitement as I witnessed the F1 ACADEMY cars in action during the Free Practice sessions. Despite the rain making it a bit challenging to watch from the pit lane, the experience was unforgettable, and even a brief downpour didn’t dampen the thrill of seeing the cars in motion.

Afterwards, I had the opportunity to meet the series’ Managing Director Susie Wolff. Along with the other participants of the Career Discovery Programme, we had a photo session in her stylish office.

READ MORE: ‘My biggest challenge was being a pioneer’ – Silvia Bellot on her journey to becoming F1 ACADEMY’s Race Director

In the afternoon, I worked with Hannah to take Polaroid photos with the drivers, which we prepared as fan giveaways. This provided a unique opportunity to interact with the drivers and add a personal touch to the event. The day ended with a lively evening in the fan zone, where I enjoyed a fantastic show by Armin van Buuren and a mesmerizing drone display.

Saturday: Being on the grid and rainy challenges

The day began early as we settled into the stands to watch the F1 ACADEMY Qualifying session. Despite the relentless rain, the atmosphere was electric, and observing the drivers’ skills up close was exhilarating.

After Qualifying, we had some free time, which we spent making friendship bracelets and exchanging stickers with the other participants in the F1 ACADEMY paddock. It was a delightful and interactive way to bond with everyone and create lasting memories.

The students had the chance to chat to Susie Wolff during their time at the track
The students had the chance to chat to Susie Wolff during their time at the track

One memorable moment was being on the grid for Race 1. Standing among the cars and feeling the pre-race tension was unforgettable. However, just before the race was about to begin, a sudden and intense downpour meant we had to evacuate the pit lane and head back to the F1 ACADEMY paddock.

Once there, we discovered that the race had been postponed due to the severe weather. Despite being drenched and disappointed, the team spirit among the participants and the shared anticipation for the race kept our spirits high. We spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for the final day and reflecting on the incredible experiences of the week.

Sunday: Race day!

Race day began with an early visit to the grid for the rescheduled Race 1. The clear skies promised a great day ahead. We were thrilled to be back on the grid, where we had an up-close view of the action and could feel the excitement building. Watching the race from the stands with a perfect view of the start and finish lines was incredible.

READ MORE: Jessica Edgar’s Zandvoort Weekend Round-Up: There’s work to do and a lot to learn from

For Race 2, we were once again on the grid, soaking in the electric atmosphere. The excitement continued as we were given the amazing opportunity to watch the race from the Williams pit wall, where I even appeared on the broadcast — a fun moment! The podium ceremonies were a celebration, offering a spectacular view of the action.

After the races, I had the chance to shadow Hannah during the post-race interviews in the media pen. It was a fascinating experience to see how interviews are conducted and how media interactions unfold right after the high-stakes action on track. I gained valuable insights into the dynamics of race coverage and how journalists capture the moments that follow the excitement of the races.

The opportunity to see motorsport from such an inside perspective was unforgettable, and I left with a deep appreciation for the world of racing and the exciting opportunities it holds for women in the sport.

Its not every day that you get to watch a race live from the pit wall but thats exact what Keur experienced on Sunday
It's not every day that you get to watch a race live from the pit wall, but that's exact what Keur experienced on Sunday

Conclusion: Key learnings and future insights

Reflecting on the past week, I’ve gained invaluable insights into the world of motorsport and journalism. The F1ACADEMY DISCOVER YOUR DRIVE Career Discovery Programme offered a deep dive into various aspects of the industry, from the technical intricacies of the paddock to the dynamic nature of media coverage.

One of the most significant takeaways was witnessing firsthand the passion and dedication required in the motorsport world. Observing the technical setups and learning about the meticulous planning behind the scenes highlighted the importance of precision and teamwork. Additionally, shadowing Hannah during the interviews and seeing the media side of the sport provided me with a newfound appreciation for the role of journalists in capturing and conveying the excitement of the races.

READ MORE: 'I hope more young girls can live what I have lived' - A weekend in the life of an F1 ACADEMY Career Discovery Programme student

The interactions with experienced professionals and the opportunities to conduct interviews and engage with drivers were particularly impactful. They underscored the importance of preparation, adaptability, and the ability to connect with people, skills that are crucial in any career.

Looking forward, the experiences and lessons from this programme will undoubtedly shape my approach to both my studies and future career aspirations. I am inspired by the possibilities within the motorsport industry and am motivated to further explore how I can contribute to this exciting field, especially in roles that bridge media and motorsport.

Overall, this journey has been both enlightening and inspiring, deepening my appreciation for motorsport and showcasing the value of creative storytelling. The experiences I gained have strengthened my resolve to explore opportunities where I can blend my passion for motorsport with my skills in media and storytelling.